Farmweld offers a range of wean-to-finish products to help get your pigs to market faster and more efficiently. From dry to wet/dry feeders, gating, and water cups, Farmweld can provide a package that meets your needs.
Farmweld feeders offer numerous solutions for today’s changing market hog and finishing operations. Wet/dry options include the Farmweld Shelf Feeder and Farmweld Paddle Feeder, while the Farmweld Jumbo Feeder™ provides an option for dry feeding. Farmweld feeders are constructed with 100% #304 stainless steel and offer the patented R adjust system™ that provides INFINITE control over feed adjustments. Flip-to-Clean options are also available to allow the feeder to rotate upside down for thorough cleaning.
Farmweld Wean-to-Finish Gating is made of high-quality, durable materials and uniform heavy welds that stand up to the rigors of growing pigs from wean to market weight. This gating system is designed for easy installation, offers flexibility to meet your operation’s changing needs and gates are sized to fit your individual barn with no cutting or welding required on-site.
Farmweld water cup designs provide a steady supply of freshwater to entice young pigs to find and drink earlier. These bolt on to Farmweld gating and require no height adjustment during the feeding period.

Water Cups

“Farmweld has always built a quality product. If it is a farrowing crate, we want equipment that saves more pigs. If it’s gating, it’s longevity and features like solid rod construction. For feeders, we want feed efficiency. The feeder needs to adjust easily, work well and get the pig to stand there and eat comfortably. That is what grows pork. Farmweld has one of the best wet-dry feeders on the market with their Shelf Feeder,”
“Farmweld’s new wean-to-finish gating color-code system is a game-changer. It has knocked a day off installation and no measuring is needed once you have colors matched. It’s a big deal. A new crew without much guidance can install the gating.”
“My local Farmweld rep suggested a pen layout with sort gates. The first load out of the barn took two people only 30 minutes. The past layout used to take two or three people two hours.”
Please feel free to submit your inquiry below, or give us a call at 800-EAT-PORK